From 22nd February to 1st March 2025, seven members of staff from our university were in Madagascar, where they travelled at the invitation of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Antananarivo (Faculté de Médecine, Université d'Antananarivo). The occasion for the expedition was an international meeting of the InfPrev4africa project, which aims to enhance the teaching capacity for learning infection prevention among students from four universities in Madagascar and Tanzania. The meeting was attended by project coordinator Associate Prof. Ewelina Chawłowska, Dr Marlena Szewczyczak from the Department of Preventive Medicine, Prof. Grażyna Bączyk, Prof. Krystyna Jaracz from the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences. We saw the university and the medical simulation laboratories, which were equipped thanks to the project funds. Our university also acquired an Erasmus+ project in 2024 (2024-1-PL01-KA171-HED-000206975) and signed agreements with partner universities from the InfPrev4frica project to exchange students and teachers. Hence, the International Cooperation Department employees attended the expedition: the head of the department, Ms Bożena Raducha, and Ms Anna Augustyniak, who coordinated the exchange programme.
Dr Mateusz Cofta initiated the staff exchange from the International Health Laboratory of the Department of Preventive Medicine, which conducted lectures and workshops for the University of Antananarivo students from the fields of nursing, anaesthetic nursing and midwifery. The class focused on public health challenges in the world and low- and middle-income countries in terms of NCD prevention and health education. Lecturers from sub-Saharan countries will visit our university in May this year, and nursing students will join our student groups at the start of the new academic year.
Links to the project's website and social media:
Erasmus project team
Dr Mateusz Cofta with students of Antananarivo University
Dr Marlena Szewczyczak, with nursing students
We are pleased to announce that on January 7th, 2025, our University became a full member of the EURAXESS network - a pan-European initiative bringing together 43 European countries and 9 centres from other continents that strengthen scientific cooperation with the rest of the world and promote the European research market, as well as support scientists leaving and coming to Europe who carries out research in various organizations.
EURAXESS members exchange knowledge, experiences and good practices to expand and professionalize their activities. Membership in the network allows PUMS employees to participate in European initiatives, projects, special training, and events and establish contacts with the international EURAXESS community. Active participation in the network will strengthen our University's internationalization level, which will be an essential element of development in the coming years.
On November 19th, 2024, during the gala accompanying the jubilee conference of university management leaders - LUMEN 2024, Poznan University of Medical Sciences was honoured with an award of great significance, granted to Polish universities classified in the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE WUR) 2025.
In this event, the Vice-Rector for Teaching, Prof. Dorota Zozulińska-Ziółkiewicz, represented Rector Prof. Zbigniew Krasiński, received THE World University Rankings Certificate from representatives of Times Higher Education from Great Britain.
THE WUR ranking, one of the most prestigious in the world, evaluates universities in terms of scientific achievements, quality of teaching, organization and cooperation with the economic environment.
On July 23rd, 2024, another agreement was signed under the European Union Erasmus+ program to implement the international mobility of students and employees of our University. This 26-month agreement provides over PLN 1,300,000 scholarships for students for studies and internships and employees for foreign internships or teaching classes for students of partner universities. So far, nearly 1,500 students and over 150 employees have benefited from Erasmus mobility. We are glad that the next edition of the project will contribute to the expansion of our Erasmus family of scholarship holders and will significantly influence the level of internationalization of our PUMS.
Prof.Nadia Sawicka-Gutaj, MD, PhD, has been appointed to the Polish Olympic Team during the XXXIII Olympics in Paris. The solemn oath took place on July 18, 2024, at the headquarters of the Polish Olympic Committee in Warsaw. Prof. Nadia Sawicka-Gutaj took her oath with the staff and players of the Polish Kayak Association, whom she takes care of as a national team doctor. The Olympics is the most important sporting event in the world. We keep our fingers crossed for the struggles and sportsmanship.
Let these Olympic Games inspire constant self-development and pursuit of all goals!
Our university has been cooperating with two universities from Japan for several years - Toho University in Tokyo (since 2018) and Aichi University in Nagoya (since 2020). These contacts are systematically developing, and after the pandemic, they have accelerated and become more and more fruitful. In March this year, we hosted two medical students from Aichi, and currently, 2 of our students, Julia Nienartowicz and Mateusz Szot are carrying out a month-long summer internship in Tokyo, as documented by the photos they sent (no. 4 and no. 5).
In June this year, medical students Alicja Szymczak and Mateusz Zawileński completed a month-long internship in Nagoya. Our students aroused so much sympathy among the employees of the host university that information about their stay was published on the official Facebook page.
Student exchange is possible thanks to the financial support of the Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation, Prof. Michał Nowicki.
We systematically correspond with Japanese partners to organize further internships for students in both geographical directions. Moreover, in September, we will host representatives of Aichi University in Poznan. It will certainly be an opportunity to discuss further cooperation plans, including the possibility of exchanging employees of both institutions within the framework of their funds and external funds, including the Erasmus+ Program.
1) Aichi University - Emergency Dept.
2) M. Zawileński in the operating room
3) A. Szymczak i Prof. T. Tsuzuki
4) J. Nienartowicz i M. Szot before the training start
5) J. Nienartowicz i M. Szot in front of Toho University
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dominika Kanikowska from the Department of Pathophysiology was awarded the prestigious award for Best Reviewer 2023, awarded once a year by the editorial office of the Journal of Physiological Anthropology. This unique distinction is proof of recognition for professionalism and extraordinary commitment to the scientific review process.
Congratulations, and further success!
On June 8th, 2024, the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, formally awarded diplomas for granting scholarships from the Ministry of Health to the 49 best students of medical universities in Poland.
In the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Assoc. Prof. Maciej Cymerys, our students Ms. Joanna Grygier and Mr. Jakub Michał Czarny received scholarships for significant scientific achievements in the academic year 2023/2024.
Fot.: Ministry of Health
From May 27 to 29, 2024, Poznan University of Medical Sciences hosted 12 dental practitioners who were representatives of four Medical Universities in Georgia (European University, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University) and two representatives of the National Center For Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) as part of a project under the Erasmus+ program entitled “HEAL - Enhancement of special oral healthcare practice and lifelong learning among dental practitioners in Georgia”.
The purpose of the visit was to familiarize practitioners with dental care and oral health promotion, as well as preventive measures for patients with disabilities and chronic systemic diseases. Despite the short duration of the visit, the Guests had the opportunity to participate in preclinical (phantom classes) and clinical activities as part of the training of dental students at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences. Dentists from Georgia actively participated in classes focused on particular specialities, such as orthodontics, oral mucosal diseases, conservative dentistry with endodontics, management models and ergonomics in the dental office, or dental procedures performed under general anaesthesia. In addition, they participated in the comprehensive dental treatment course for adult and pediatric patients. In addition, the Guests also had the opportunity to participate in the clinical classes in the unique in our country subject “Risk Group Dentistry”, observing the treatment of patients with disabilities and diverse dysfunctions and chronic diseases. The Guests were very impressed during a visit to the Special-care School Complex No. 103 in Poznan, where the first practical classes of this subject are held for each student group. The Doctors from Georgia were also warmly welcomed to the headquarters of the Greater Poland Medical Chamber in Poznan, where they were introduced to the activities for medical/dental staff, which triggered a lively discussion on the form, scope, and involvement of doctors practising in Poland and Georgia.
We hope that the experience gained during the observations of the classes, long discussions, and also the contact with students of our University will result in the development of the dental staff of the Georgian institutions of higher education and in the implementation of new subjects during undergraduate education.
We would like to express our thanks to all the Doctors and Administrative Employees who were involved in the preparations and contributed to the multi-format presentation of the Dental Faculty at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, especially to Prof. Anna Surdacka, D.D.S., PhD; Prof. Agata Czajka-Jakubowska, D.D.S., PhD; Zuzanna Slebioda, Assoc. Prof, D.D.S., PhD; Szczepan Cofta, M.D., PhD, Assoc. Prof; Head of the UCSiMS Radosław Krawczykowski, M.A.; Dr. Anna Kurhanska-Flisykowska, D.D.S., PhD; Dr. Ewelina Golusinska-Kardach, D.D.S., PhD; Dr. Katarzyna Baksalary-Izycka, D.D.S.; Dr. Kamila Gryniewicz, D.D.S., Dr. Marianna Kicerman, Dr. Szymon Rzatowski, D.D.S., PhD; Dr. Amadeusz Hernik, D.D.S., PhD; Dr. Katarzyna Miadowicz-Owczarzak, M.A.; Mrs. Renata Wojciechowska, M.A.; Mrs. Magdalena Karbowniczek, M.A.; and Dr. Sebastian Zbitkowski, M.A.; as well as Dr. Pawel Daszkiewicz, M.B.A., PhD, and Dr. Adrian Majewski, M.B.A., PhD from the Poznan University of Technology, as well as Mrs. Lidia Wojsznis, M.A.; Mrs. Ewa Abramowicz, M.A., and Mrs. Izabela Marciniak, M.A. from the Special-care School Complex No. 103 in Poznan.
Prof. Karolina Gerreth, D.D.S., PhD, Department of Risk Group Dentistry,
Prof. Elżbieta Paszyńska, D.D.S., PhD, Department of Integrated Dentistry,
Mrs. Bożena Raducha, PUMS Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator
The Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, by order of 6th May 2024, established a Team for improving women's health safety. Our Prof. Ewa Wender-Ożegowska, Vice-Rector for the Doctoral School and Postgraduate Education and Head of the Reproductive Clinic and the Department of Perinatal Medicine, has been appointed to this group of experts.
The Team is an auxiliary body of the minister responsible for health, and its tasks include developing proposals for actions to improve women's health safety, with particular emphasis on reproductive health and perinatal care.
We are pleased to announce that on April 21st, 2024, PUMS has been admitted to the ECTS MA Association, which brings European universities and medical faculties together. We are the 4th member from Poland after the Medical University of Warsaw, Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University and the Medical University of Lublin. The Association aims to optimize the exchange of medical students in the European Union using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and to strengthen cooperation between association members. Joining the Association was initiated by Prof. Bartłomiej Perek from the Department of Cardiac Surgery and Transplantology of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, who also had a significant contribution to obtaining official letters of support from active members of the Association: the Catholic University of Leuven and the University of Padua. The vote on acceptance took place during the annual meeting of ECTS MA members, which took place at the Medical University of Sofia on April 18-21, 2024. Our University was represented by Mrs. Bożena Raducha from the International Relations Office and Prof. Bartłomiej Perek.
Active membership will strengthen the internationalization process and additional joint projects under EU funds. The first effect of joining the ECTS MA Association is the willingness of several more European medical universities to establish cooperation with our University.
We are pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2024, Prof. Marek Niedziela, MD, PhD Head of the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Rheumatology, was appointed Associate Editor in the European Thyroid Journal (IF 4.7), the official journal of the European Thyroid Association, and will be responsible for the pediatric thyroidology department.
European Thyroid Journal - Editorial Board
It is with great joy and pride that we announce that Dr Emilia Jakubowska, assistant professor at Chair and Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Industrial Pharmacy Division, has received a prestigious Maria Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship grant under the Horizon Europe programme, in collaboration with Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze (University of Chemistry and Technology) in Prague, Czech Republic. During the 1.5-year-long postdoctoral fellowship under the supervision of Prof. Frantisek Stepanek, Dr Jakubowska will realise the project titled "Advanced manufacturing of drug substances by co-processing with excipients through heteronucleation in a milifluidic device". The last stage of the research will concern the applicability in an industrial setting, in cooperation with Zentiva pharmaceutical company in Prague.
Congratulations on this international success, especially considering the project, submitted among over 8000 applications in the current MSCA-PF call, received a 100% evaluation score! The successful grant cooperation between the researcher from our University, the Czech academia and pharmaceutical company is a measurable as well as long-term effect of the ORBIS project ( Open Research Biopharmaceutical Internships Support MSCA-RISE-2017 No 778051), finished in 2023. Poznan University of Medical Sciences coordinated the work of the international and intersectoral consortium, where both University of Chemistry and Technology and Zentiva participated as partners.
We are happy to announce the start of the new educational project ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE - HEAL-Enhancement of special oral healthcare practice and lifelong learning among dental practitioners in Georgia.
Our University has become the leading partner, and employees of dental units headed by Prof. will be involved in the implementation. Elżbieta Paszyńska and Prof. Karolina Gerreth. The project coordinator is the European University in Tbilisi, and the other partners are the Medical University of Sofia and AIDAN University Istanbul and 3 Georgian universities from Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi. On behalf of the Georgian Ministry of Higher Education, the consortium was complemented by the National Center for Improving the Quality of Education.
The essence of the project is to contribute to the formation and improvement of medical staff in the field of oral health by modernizing dental curricula in Georgian higher education institutions and equipping students with the knowledge and necessary skills to obtain high-quality dental care for disabled patients in Georgia.
The main goals of the project are:
The invitation of the Poznań University of Medical Sciences to participate in the project proves the recognition of our employees and units in the field of work for disabled people as highly qualified staff with extensive experience in this field.
More info:
The reqruitment lasts from 29.01.2024 until 1.03.2024.
University regulations regulate the rules of recruitment for scholarships under the Erasmus+ program.
List of available places and universities:
Students applying for exchange under the Erasmus+ Programme should deliver the following documents to the International Relations Office:
Required documents:
Additional documents (not obligatory)
International Relations Office, ul. Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań
Attention! Send a colour copy of the language state certificates or diplomas for completing courses, training, and other studies; please do not send originals.
IN PDF VERSION AS AN EMAIL ATTACHMENTS: (documents in non-PDF versions will not be accepted)!
The postmark date/email sending date is decisive!
21 European countries unite in the EU Joint Action JACARDI to reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes
A new four-year project called the Joint Action on Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes (JACARDI) was launched in Rome on 27 November 2023. This initiative, engaging ministries, public health bodies, non-governmental organizations, and universities, aims to assist European Union (EU) member states in reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, and associated risk factors, both at the individual and societal levels.
Facing together a significant public health challenge
CVD remains the leading cause of death in the EU, affecting about 63 million people. The prevalence of diabetes has also risen dramatically, with the number of adults living with the condition nearly doubling in the past decade, reaching 32.3 million in 2019. These chronic diseases pose a significant threat to individual health and well-being, while also straining healthcare systems and hindering social and economic development.
A coordinated European response of unprecedented scale
JACARDI emerges as a unified European response to the growing challenge of CVD and diabetes. The project will focus on the implementation of proven and effective practices in the treatment of CVDs and diabetes through the execution of 143 pilot projects. JACARDI is coordinated by the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) and has received €53 million in funding from the European Commission. The initiative brings together 21 European countries, including Ukraine, involving 76 partners and over 300 public health experts.
Objectives set to leave a lasting legacy
JACARDI will test and offer solutions throughout the entire patient journey, including prevention, early detection, treatment, care, and self-management in order to reach the following objectives:
A commitment to healthier futures
JACARDI represents a significant step forward in the fight against CVD and diabetes in Europe. JACARDI's approach prioritizes addressing complex health challenges inclusively, with a focus on social and commercial determinants of health, cultural diversity, and equity. The project will identify key social dimensions of inequalities in CVD and diabetes, and a common methodology will be developed for implementation and evaluation of the pilot projects. JACARDI emphasizes local and transnational cooperation, knowledge-sharing and application, and endorses sustainable practices for impactful outcomes, including effective co-design between science and policy.
Furthermore, it promotes gender equity in public health leadership, advocating for a collaborative and inclusive governance model that empowers younger generations and fosters healthier, more resilient, and fair communities for millions of Europeans.
The inaugural meeting of the project InfPrev4frica: Capacitating Sub-Saharian African HEI's to Educate Nursing Students for Sustainable and Innovative Infection Prevention and Control Practices took place from 17-21 July 2023 in Lisbon and Coimbra, with 4 participants from our university: Dr. hab. Ewelina Chawłowska and Dr Barbara Czech-Szczapa (Department of Health Prevention), Dr Grażyna Bączyk (Department of Nursing) and MA Bożena Raducha (International Relations Office).
The aim of the InfPrev4frica project is to strengthen and expand teaching methods for nursing students in the area of hospital infection prevention and control in sub-Saharan African universities. An important part of the project is the extension of existing teaching techniques to include tailored simulations in the area of hospital infection prevention in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the development of an e-book as a basis for modifying teaching in this area. The project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme and will last three years.
The project is being carried out in collaboration with two universities from Portugal: Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lizboa and Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, two universities from Tanzania: Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences - Bugando and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, and two universities from Madagascar: Les Infos de l'Universite d'Antananarivo and Universite de Mahajanga.
With great satisfaction, I inform you that the Poznan University of Medical Sciences - the first medical university in Poland - received the Engaged University accreditation granted by the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU). It means that PUMS is in a narrow group of 3 Polish universities with this distinction. Obtaining accreditation is an expression of appreciation for our academic community and the University Authorities for conducting activities oriented to impact the surrounding society positively.
I would like to thank all those PUMS employees involved in the accreditation process which not only devoted their time to talks with the Accreditation Committee but also contributed to the preparation of the self-assessment report and the construction of written answers to the questions asked by the Committee.
The ACEEU accreditation, in addition to the HR award, is also proof that there is one goal in all our activities - to create a good and stable University that will allow us to break glass ceilings, overcome barriers and broaden horizons.
Prof. Michal Nowicki
Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations
Rector, Senate and Chancellor of the Collegium of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Poznan University Medical Sciences kindly invite all to a special awarding of the title DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA
Professor Bożena Michniak-Kohn - Professor of ordinary pharmaceutical sciences at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Director of the Skin Research Center and Drug Delivery Laboratory, Rutgers, New Jersey State University, USA, for outstanding achievement in the expanded field of skin and transdermal energy delivery systems.
The title will be awarded at a ceremony next to the Council of the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences on July 6, 2023, at 11:00 in Room A of the PUMS Congress and Didactic Center, ul. Przybyszewskiego 37A in Poznan.
Reply by June 30, 2023 - phone: 61 854-60-33, e-mail:
On July 5-6, 2023, at the Congress and Didactic Center, a scientific conference will be held summarizing the activities of the five-year ORBIS (Open Research Biopharmaceutical Internships Support) project, which received funding of EUR 2.27 million under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the Horizon 2020 framework program (H2020-MSCA-RISE, no. 778051).
The coordinator of this international and cross-sectoral project with 14 academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies from 8 countries is the Poznan University of Medical Sciences. The goal of ORBIS was and is research and training cooperation between universities and the industry sector to develop better, more effective, modern drugs. These ideas were implemented by ORBIS through international internships of scientists to partner institutions (for a considerable number of 459 months in total).
The Final ORBIS Conference will be an opportunity to celebrate this success - all the more so as the project implementation period coincided with previously unimaginable obstacles in the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine. During the conference, renowned scientists from European and American centres will give plenary lectures on the most current topics of modern pharmaceutical sciences. There will also be speeches presenting the scientific effects of completed internships, delivered by Poznan researchers and project consortium representatives from the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, Ireland, Slovenia and the United States.
More information available at
The "Centre for Extracorporeal Life Functions and Patient Safety", established as part of the Medical Simulation Center in 2019, coordinated by the Department of Cardiac Surgery and Transplantology (head Prof. Marek Jemielity), has successfully passed the Extracorporeal Life Certification Support Organization (ELSO). The Center joined a group of 10 renowned training centres in the world. We are particularly pleased that ELSO authorizes the activities of the training centre as well as the commitment and reliability of the entire team. We have been certified for three years. The centre was created within the European Social Fund funds as part of the PO WER project for 2018-2021 to provide postgraduate education for doctors. So far, the "ECMO" course dedicated to extracorporeal techniques, namely the ELSO-Endorsed Comprehensive Course, has been completed by 357 doctors from all over Poland during 30 meetings. It is a contribution of our training team in popularising extracorporeal techniques in Poland.
A map of the training centres accreditated by ELSO
During the plenary assembly of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, the rectors of:
The Poznan University of Technology, the Adam Mickiewicz University, the University of Economics, the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, the University of Life Sciences, the Eugeniusz Piasecki Academy of Physical Education and the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts signed the agreement to support innovations in Wielkopolska through the Erasmus+ Program. Prof. Michał Nowicki, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, represented our University.
The document on the cooperation with the Foundation for the Education System - National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program, with Poznan universities assumes mainly undertaking activities aimed at increasing knowledge about the Erasmus+ offer in the Wielkopolska region among entities operating in various branches of the economy or building and expanding a network of international cooperation and the synergy of business with science.
The source of information:
The Rector, the Senate
and the Chancellor of the College of Medical Sciences
of Poznan University of Medical Sciences
are pleased to extend their kind invitation for the solemn celebration of conferring
to Professor Arkadiusz Jawień
from the Department and Clinic of Vascular Surgery and Angiology
Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
for outstanding achievements in the field of vascular surgery
The ceremony will be held on December 14th 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
in the PUMS Congress and Didactic Center
37A Przybyszewskiego Street, Poznan, Poland
R.S.V.P. by 6th December 2022 – phone: +48 618546033, e-mail:
The Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Metabolic Diseases is looking for a post-doc in the NCN OPUS grant for up to 12 months (with a potential possibility of employment in the Department afterwards). This period can be shortened and adapted to the candidate if necessary. The project focuses on the importance of leukocyte methylation in children with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in the context of azathioprine treatment. The methods used include the determination of, inter alia, methylome (EPIC microarray), transcriptome (total, sequencing), and clinical parameters. Planned date of starting work in the project: Dec 2022. The offer is addressed to proactive people who are ready to make an original contribution to the interdisciplinary project and activities of the team based on their own scientific experience.
The Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Metabolic Diseases is looking for a post-doc in the NCN OPUS grant for up to 12 months (with a potential possibility of employment in the Department afterwards). This period can be shortened and adapted to the candidate if necessary. The project focuses on the importance of leukocyte methylation in children with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in the context of azathioprine treatment. The methods used include the determination of, inter alia, methylome (EPIC microarray), transcriptome (total, sequencing), clinical parameters. Planned date of starting work in the project: Dec 2022. The offer is addressed to proactive people who are ready to make an original contribution to the interdisciplinary project and activities of the team based on their own scientific expertise
On October 10th 2022 took place a ceremonial meeting of the councils of colleges of medical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and health sciences, during which diplomas of the habilitated doctor were awarded, and congratulations were given to persons who obtained the title of Professor in the last two academic years. Assoc. Prof. Ewelina Gowin and Prof. Piotr Eder - Deputy Chancellors who will host the ceremony, warmly welcomed the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans, Administrative Authorities and the Celebration Hosts: the Chancellors of the Colleges of Sciences.
In his speech, the Rector, Prof. Andrzej Tykarski, drew on tradition and history, showing the role and importance of a habilitated doctor. The Rector emphasized the importance of the next steps in the academic career of a university employee and how important they are for the results of the evaluation processes applied to scientific disciplines. He expressed his gratitude to all academic teachers who, with their ongoing scientific and research work, achieved success by implementing the next essential stages of their development, which is reflected in today's ceremony. Finally, he congratulated the Habilitated Doctors and Professors.
The solemn act of awarding habilitated doctor diplomas obtained in the disciplines of medical sciences and pharmaceutical sciences was performed by: Rector Prof. Andrzej Tykarski and the Chancellor of the College of Medical Sciences, Prof. Marek Ruchała and the Chancellor of the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek.
The next item on the ceremony's program was the presentation Success of Evaluation 2017-2021, presented by Prof. Marcin Żarowski, Deputy Chancellor of the College of Health Sciences, Rector's Plenipotentiary, for reporting in the SEDN system.
Occasional statuettes in recognition of those who obtained the honourable title of Professor in the last two years were presented by the Chancellors of Colleges of Sciences: Prof. Marek Ruchała Chancellor of the College of Medical Sciences, Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek, Chancellor of the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Prof. Jarosław Walkowiak Chancellor of the College of Health Sciences together with Prof. Michał Nowicki, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.
The ceremony was graced with a musical performance by the graduates of the Poznań Academy of Music, the Artu'S Kwartet string quartet, who performed the pieces: Antonio Vivaldi's "Summer" from the "Four Seasons" series and Antoni Dvořak - Humoreska No. 7, opus one hundred and one.
Congratulations to the Habilitated Doctors and the distinguished Professors, and we wish you further great success !!!
Our new habilitated Doctors:
the field of medical sciences
the field of pharmaceutical sciences
our new Professors
the field of medical sciences
the field of pharmaceutical sciences
the field of health sciences
On October 4th 2022, in the Auditorium of Adam Mickiewicz University, we officially inaugurated the new academic year 2022/2023. A year full of challenges, fears, but also hope. The Rector, Prof. Andrzej Tykarski, chaired the momentous event. He welcomed the numerous guests, including Senators and Members of the Polish Parliament - Jadwiga Emilewicz, MP Katarzyna Kretkowska and Bartłomiej Wróblewski, Minister of Health – Dr Adam Niedzielski, Wielkopolska Voivode - Michał Zieliński, Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznan - Stanisław Gądecki, Secretary of State for European Policy, Polish Diaspora and Public and Cultural Diplomacy - Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk, representing the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Province - Wojciech Jankowiak, Deputy Marshal of the Wielkopolska Province, representing Poznań - Jędrzej Solarski, Deputy Mayor of Poznań, Poznan Starost - Jan Grabkowski, President of the Medical Research Agency - Assoc. Prof. Radosław Sierpiński, President of the National Health Fund - Filip Nowak, Director of the Wielkopolska Branch of the National Health Fund - Agnieszka Pachciarz, President of the Board of the Wielkopolska Medical Chamber - Dr Krzysztof Kordel, Vice-President of the Supreme Audit Office - Tadeusz Dziuba, Director of the Diagnostyka Medical Laboratory in Warsaw, former Minister of Health - Sławomir Gadomski, representatives of friendly universities and institutions, former rectors, directors of clinical hospitals as well as employees and students of our University. The inaugural speech of the Rector was not only a summary of the past 12 months but also a presentation of plans for the new academic year. Many speeches by distinguished guests emphasized the importance of the entire ceremony. On this important day, there could be matriculation of first-year students and an address by the University Council of the Student Government representative. The inauguration of the academic year is also a unique moment to honour employees with prizes and awards. This year, Amicus Studentium received the following:
from the Faculty of Medicine - Dr Małgorzata Grzymisławska
from the Faculty of Medicine - Bartosz Bąk, MSc
from the Faculty of Pharmacy – Prof. Lucjusz Zaprutko,
from the Faculty of Health Sciences - Jadwiga Pieścikowska, MSc.
The Lecturer of the Year title went to:
from the Faculty of Medicine - Dr Małgorzata Grzymisławska,
from the Faculty of Medicine - Dr Kacper Nijakowski, MD, PhD,
from the Faculty of Pharmacy – Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek,
from the Faculty of Health Sciences – Assoc. Prof. Elżbieta Skorupska.
In line with many years of tradition, other awards were also ceremonially presented during the inauguration. The Senate of our University admitted Prof. Katarzyna Ziemnicka the Professor Antoni Tomasz Aleksander Jurasz Award. For outstanding didactic and educational achievements, the Senate of PUMS awarded the Władysław Biegański Prize: Prof. Ryszard Marciniak (1st-degree), Prof. Ewa Florek (2nd-degree) and Prof. Tomasz Kotwicki (2nd-degree).
The Senate also awarded an honorary distinction - the Golden Academic Laurel of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences. Rector Prof. A. Tykarski presented this highest university distinction and solemnly handed the Laurel to Professors: Stefan Grajek and Michał Musielak. People who had a notable impact on positive organizational changes of PUMS, with their attitude showing significant commitment, were awarded the Organized 2022 Prize. They are an expression of appreciation for the efforts of employees of departments supporting scientific and teaching activities to create the best work environment. Prizes from the hands of Rector Andrzej Tykarski and CEO Rafał Staszewski received Piotr Domagalski, Julia Ratajczak, Anna Trzaskawka, and Katarzyna Waraczewska. The inaugural lecture on "Psychopharmacology yesterday and today" was delivered by Prof. Janusz Rybakowski. Performance of the UMP Choir conducted by Prof. Przemysław Pałka, accompanied by Anna Mierzwa, an actress of the Nowy Theater in Poznan, and Radosław Elis, an actor of the Musical Theater, as well as the traditional Gaudeamus sang together, concluded the inauguration ceremony of the academic year.
We invite you to watch the ceremony video
On September 29-30, the International Science and Training Conference "New Trends in Polish and global pharmacy: Science, business, and modern education" was held, combined with the grand opening of the new seat of the Faculty of Pharmacy - the Collegium Pharmaceuticum complex and the Center for Innovative Pharmaceutical Technology (CITF).
The Ministry of Education and Science supported the conference as part of the "Excellent Science" program.
The conference was held under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Health, Mr Adam Niedzielski, the Mayor of the City of Poznań, Mr Jacek Jaśkowiak, and his Magnificence Rector of the Medical University of Poznań, Prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Tykarski is under the auspices of the Supreme Chamber of Pharmacy and the Chamber of Physicians of Wielkopolska.
A total of nearly 450 people participated in all eight thematic sessions. Twenty-five lecturers from Poland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Germany and the United States presented their lectures. The poster session was also fascinating, where 113 scientific reports were presented. There was also a Forum of Young Scientists and a meeting of the Convent of Deans of Pharmaceutical Faculties of Medical Universities.
All sessions during the conference were an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience, as well as to establish new scientific contacts, as well as integrate scientific and professional environments in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, always acting for the benefit of the patient.
» Photogallery - Conference
» Photogallery - Grand opening of the complex
The project is co-financed by a loan granted by the European Investment Bank with the support of the European Union through the EFSI European Fund for Strategic Investments.
The investment is co-financed by:
The project is co-financed from the State Budget as part of the "Excellent Science" program announced by the Minister of Education and Science. Co-financing value: PLN 248,726.00. The project aims to organize an international, interdisciplinary, bilingual (English; Polish) Conference, "New trends in Polish and global pharmacy: Business, science, and modern education", bringing together outstanding specialists from the science, education and economy sectors dealing with the issues of developing connections between research, teaching and innovation in pharmaceutical sciences. The Conference will also be an opportunity to present scientific achievements and the latest research results as well as the research potential of the academic unit, a medical university for the pharmaceutical industry, which will enable the development of an effective science-business communication platform. The Conference concept is an element of support for innovation not only in the region but also in the country and Europe. It increases its competitiveness, quality of life and awareness of the role of science in economic development.
We are pleased to announce the Karol Jonsher Clinical Hospital of Poznan University of Medical Sciences received funding from the Medical Fund for the Pediatrics PLUS project titled:
The adaptation of the strategic infrastructure of Karol Jonsher Clinical Hospital of PUMS to the orders of the Sanepid and standards of care, along with developing a day psychiatric care centre for children and adolescents.
It is the best-rated project in Poland, prepared by the Hospital and University team!
The project, with a budget of over PLN 102 million, involves the modernization and expansion of the hospital in the following scope:
Mr Piotr Bromber, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health, has symbolically handed over the check to the University and Hospital Authorities.
On August 25 this year, the secondees from the Poznan University of Medical and the Poznan University of Technology, implementing the tasks of the ORBIS project (Horizon 2020-MSCA-RISE) at Rutgers University (USA) together with scientific partners from the Center for Dermal Research Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and the Department of Chemical Engineering took part in the meeting Fri Orbis Networking Event.
Nearly 30 people attended the event, including Professors Bozena Michniak-Kohn, Joachim Kohn, Tamara Minko, Rohit Ramachandran, and Dr Luigi Brunetti.
Four secondees from our University - Katarzyna Kosicka-Noworzyń, Aleksandra Romaniuk-Drapała, Marta Karaznawicz-Łada and Piotr Gadziński, and two from the Poznan University of Technology - Aleksandra Grząbka-Zasadzińska and Katarzyna Dopierała presented not only the goals and progress of the project, but also lots of interesting information about Poland, Poznan and both universities. There was no shortage of opportunities for discussion and exchange of experiences.
PUMS Department of Otolaryngology and Laryngological Oncology performed its first cochlear implant surgeries using a surgical robot.
These are first in the country procedures where the implant’s electrode is inserted into the cochlea by means of a surgical robot called Robotol. The surgery was performed by Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Gawęcki, dr. Andrzej Balcerowiak, and dr. Piotr Dąbrowski.
This innovative method, unknown in Poland so far, allows for absolute precision and atraumatic insertion of the electrode. It is essential when the loss of hearing is not complete, but the hearing is already socially inefficient.
The Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, the President of Medical Research Agency, Radosław Sierpiński, and the President of PUMS, Andrzej Tykarski, officially inaugurated the University Clinical Research Support Centre on May 12, 2022.
With its own outpatient clinic and the clinical base of PUMS University hospitals, the Centre will conduct clinical trials from phase 1 to phase 4. A significant asset of UCRSC is the fact that it will provide comprehensive services for clinical trials – from negotiations and contracts to trial initiation and support of research teams that include researchers, nurses, pharmacists, and coordinators. The Centre will serve as a point of contact and organizational facility for all trials realized by the clinical hospitals. Its great advantage is access to a large number of patients - each year, clinical hospitals treat 170,000 patients. University Clinical Research Support Centre has been co-financed by Medical Research Agency.
Full of optimism, we would like to inform you that neither the Covid-19 pandemic nor the ongoing war in Ukraine discouraged ORBIS Partners from continuing the next project tasks. What's more, we decided to rise the period of planned internships for employees and doctoral students of our University by 12 months (from 152 to 164), at the same time extending the existing American offer (Rutgers University) with the attractive University of Central Florida.
We are pleased to announce that the decision to increase the number of internship months resulted in an increase in the PUMS's share in the project budget to approx. EUR 0.74 million (total budget EUR 2.26 million) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant to co-finance the costs of internship trips to approx. PLN 1,6 million.
This year 17 people from the PUMS will spend 39 months in foreign universities and industrial facilities, and in 2023 (the last year of the project), 6 people will complete 12 internship months. Importantly, all these secondments support our activities in our University's internationalisation.
We kindly invite you to submit applications for a scholarship for scientists from Ukraine working at the UMP.
Please submit your documents by September 30th, 2022 to the Department of Science, Applying for grants and International Relations, Collegium Maius, ul. Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, room. 146 or by e-mail to the following address:
All information about the scholarship can be found at the link below:
On 15th April 2022, the Poznan University of Medical Sciences joined the group of institutions awarded the prestigious logo HR Excellence in Research. Independent experts of the European Commission appreciated the effective implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The award is the result of almost three years of efforts and the work of a team of 26 PUMS employees, led by Prof. Dariusz Iżycki and Prof. Bartłomiej Perek, under the coordination of Prof. Michał Nowicki, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.
Our presence in such an exclusive group reflects our commitment to continuous improvement of the personnel policy, gives great satisfaction and is extremely important because increases the University's chances of applying for grants in domestic and foreign institutions.
On April 5, 2022, a study visit of the Rector authorities of the Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany) took place at our University. The aim was to present the research and development potential of PUMS. German delegation was headed by the Rector of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg - prof. Gesine Grande, and Jörg Nowotny - director of the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden. Our University was represented by prof. Michał Nowicki - Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, and prof. Agnieszka Przystańska - Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. The visit was also attended by a large group of scientists and specialists from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Poznań University of Technology and Wrocław University of Technology.
The specific purpose of the visit was to determine the possibilities of scientific cooperation and R&D between the above-mentioned research units in the field of rehabilitation of patients with walking disorders, an interdisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of skeletal system defects, and the use of a machine learning and artificial intelligence in the interpretation of histological images.
In the future, we hope that the cooperation established between our University and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg will also result in the exchange of experiences in the education of students.
On the initiative of the University Authorities in the Senate, on March 23, 2022, the Senators adopted a resolution on the immediate resignation from the continuation of cooperation and the immediate termination of contracts with universities and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Following the wording of Resolution No. 25/2022 of the Senate of Poznan University of Medical Sciences (PUMS) strongly condemns the Russian military aggression on Ukraine and, in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, recommends that the Rector immediately terminate the agreements concluded with the following institutes/universities:
At the same time, the PUMS Senate provides support and assistance to scientists and members of the Russian and Belarusian academic communities who oppose this aggression.
Dear All,
Dear Students and Citizens of Ukraine,
The unprecedented attack of the Russian military on Ukraine has torn down the world order. War always brings death and destruction. It is unjustifiable evil.
This is why we express our solidarity with the whole Ukrainian Nation.
Our University co-operates with six institutions in Ukraine:
All of which are important centres of education and research in medical and pharmaceutical sciences. We stand together with our Partners and we are offering our help.
We also assure all Ukrainian students enrolled at PUMS of our support. You are not alone in this difficult time - all of the University departments and services stand ready to assist you.
Long live free Ukraine!
Signed in the name of the whole Academic Community of Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
Prof. Andrzej Tykarski, MD, PhD
We are proud to share that Assoc. Prof. Marcin Moskalewicz, Head of Philosophy of Mental Health Unit at the Department of Social Sciences and the Humanities at PUMS has been awarded a 18-months Humboldt Research Fellowship at the University of Heidelberg. Marcin Moskalewicz will work with Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs on temporal disturbances in addictions and mood disorders.
The research will apply heterophenomenological methods to the study of lived time within the framework of phenomenological psychopathology. According to the phenomenological approach, the essence of depressive and manic states as well as addictions is the disintegration of temporal structure of experience. However, little is known about prevalence and severity of the consequences of this disintegration upon subjectivity. The project will use quota sampling addressing the severity of psychiatric symptoms, among others, in order to compare the distribution of temporal disturbances with the clinical picture of the disorders in question. The project’s results will contribute to a better understanding of the experience of patients and have potential diagnostic value for psychiatry.
As every year, Elsevier published the most cited authors and co-authors of scientific publications. The list for 2020 includes over 100,000 scientists from around the world who were assessed on such criteria as the Hirsch index, the number of independent citations, and the author's place and role among the co-authors. Among the 2% of the most influential authors, the following PUMS scientists were included (in alphabetical order):
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Witold Szaflarski from the Department of Histology and Embryology of our University received a 12-month research fellowship as part of the Mieczysław Bekker Program from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Thanks to the fellowship he will conduct structural research on protein biosynthesis using cryo-EM microscopy at the University of Hamburg under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniel Wilson.
Information about the Program M. Bekker:
It should be also added that the above-mentioned research works are a continuation of the activities, the original results of which have just been published by Dr. Witold Szaflarski in Nucleic Acid Research (Impact Factor for this journal is 16,971). The studies concerned the maintenance of the nucleolus structure during stress caused by anticancer drugs. Thanks to the research of Dr. Szaflarski and his team at the Department of Histology and Embryology established from the funds of the Sonata Bis Program of the National Science Center in Poland and cooperation with the team of Prof. Dr. Shawn M. Lyons from Boston University in the USA has managed to demonstrate that the first stage of ribosome assembly in the nucleolus, i.e. 47S rRNA synthesis, protects the maintenance of the nucleolus structure during stress, and that 47S rRNA molecules are stored until the stress is relieved, when they re-participate in the ribosome maturation. These studies are very important from a clinical point of view, as they open a new way to design new anti-cancer drugs that will break the protection of the tumor cell at the level of nucleolus structure maintenance.
Link to the publication:
Congratulations and good luck in new scientific challenges in Hamburg!
It is with great pleasure that we inform of yet another award won by Assoc. Prof. Piotr Rzymski from PUMS Department of Environmental Medicine - on December 3rd, 2021 the Jury of the 'Popularizer of Science' competition has decided to present this year's Grand Prize to dr. Rzymski.
This was the 17th edition of the competition organized by Polish Press Agency and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Grand Prize was awarded in recognition for Assoc. Prof. Rzymski's commitment and the enormous amount of work associated with the dissemination of medical knowledge in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To quote the awarding body:
“He accessibly explains the content of scientific publications concerning SARS-CoV-2 and educates tirelessly. He wrote 90 articles in Polityka, and since March 2020 he has given numerous interviews. He is one of the initiators of the project Science Against the Pandemic. He has been promoting science for several years, and is a high level scientist.”
The scientist has been working diligently as a science communicator, promoting results of scientific research, fact-checking, fighting misinformation and fake news. He has also authored over 20 papers on the pandemic and vaccines, provided information to various media outlets covering this topic, and to Polish Press Agency, giving over 800 media commentaries.
In his acceptance speech dr Rzymski said:
"We live in a society that enjoys the benefits of scientific achievements on a daily basis, and yet it is surprisingly ignorant of that fact. (...) We live in a society in which some individuals take pride in their abhorrance of science, while others ignore science on purpose to build up their own economic or political capital. We live in a society that is currently paying this high prize for decades of neglect in the education system on its various levels. A system that has for too long treated people as empty vessels in which we should pour as much knowledge as possible, without giving a second thought to development of skills of crtitical thinking, reliable-sources research, recognizing fake news, and to teach people what science is and how does it work. The task of today's science communicators is, among other things, to limit the tragic consequences of these failures. Therefore, popularizing science is not about awards, prestige, fame or media presence. Popularizing science is the road to a better today and a peaceful tomorrow."
We are proud to share that assoc. prof. Piotr Rzymski is the first-ever recipient of the Science Award of the Greater Poland Voivodeship Local Government. This newly-established distinction aims to honor outstanding scientists from our region.
Assoc. prof. Rzymski is a member of PUMS Faculty in the Department of Environmental Medicine. He authored and co-authored over 150 papers in international scientific journals, and was listed among top 2% most quoted researchers in the world in 2020 in the ranking prepared by Stanford University and Elsevier. He also serves as editor of several English-language scientific journals, and has reviewed over 500 research papers. He is also active as an expert in international organizations focused on health, science and environment, e.g. WHO (external expert) or the European Research Executive Agency. He was appointed ambassador of the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN) in Poland last year.
In recent years the scientist has been working tirelessly as a science communicator, promoting results of scientific research, fighting misinformation and fake news, with particular focus on CoViD-19 pandemic. He has authored over 20 papers on the pandemic and vaccines, regularly contributes to the science blog of Polityka magazine, provides information to various media outlets covering this topic, and to Polish Press Agency, and serves as expert for the 'Science Against Pandemic' inititative.
Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to inform you that on 7 December 2021. The Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Rheumatology of the Karol Jonscher's Clinical Hospital of the Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznań has been accepted and will be officially included in the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN) on January 1, 2022.
The Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Rheumatology at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences is one of two Polish clinics currently included in the Endo-ERN network.
The European Reference Network for Rare Endocrine Disorders (Endo-ERN, aims to improve access to high quality healthcare for patients with rare endocrine disorders by facilitating the exchange of knowledge, the performance of specialised research, and the support of comprehensive health care in such a way that patients receive professional care throughout their lives.
Prof. Marek Niedziela, MD, PhD, Head of the Department, is the Hospital's/Healthcare provider's (HCP) representative in the Endo-ERN network and Monika Obara-Moszyńska, MD, PhD, is the Hospital's/HCP sub-representative.
Professor Marek Niedziela is a member of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Science Committee, one of the two endocrine societies involved in the Endo-ERN network, and a member of the European Thyroid Association Guidelines and Publications Board. The Clinic's team under his leadership has children with many rare endocrine disorders in their care and it is sincerely hoped that affiliation with Endo-ERN will significantly enhance the ability to support the development and quality of life of these patients.
The Clinic's team - from the left: Barbara Rabska-Pietrzak, MD, PhD, Zofia Kolesińska, MD, PhD, Prof. Marek Niedziela, MD, PhD, Monika Obara-Moszyńska, MD, PhD, Elżbieta Małecka, MD, PhD, Maciej Flader, MD, Małgorzata Słomko-Jóźwiak, MD, PhD, Aleksandra Rojek, PhD, Biol Sci
We cordially invite you to the OPEN LECTURES given by Prof. Bożena Michniak-Kohn - a world-class expert in the field of topical, transdermal and buccal drugs - Prof. Bożena Michniak-Kohn from Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - will be a guest of our University on November 15-17, 2021.
We cordially invite you to the OPEN LECTURES given by Prof. Bożena Michniak-Kohn:
All interested in participating in the lecture/lectures, please confirm in advance - contact us by e-mail:
The visit was organized with the financial support of the Poznań City Hall and the Poznan University of Medical Sciences as part of the "Academic and Scientific Poznań" program and the ORBIS project (No 778051), financed under the Horizon 2020-MSCA-RISE program of the European Union.
We are proud to inform the 12th edition of the "Leader" program of the National Center for Research and Development has been resolved. All young scientists who expand their competencies in independent planning of research works and managing their research team during the implementation of projects, the results of which may be applicable in practice and have implementation potential, could apply for grants within the "Leader" program.
In the 11th edition, 56 talented researchers joined the group of leaders, who received almost 81 million PLN for conducting innovative research. 1.5 million PLN will go to the team of Poznan University of Medical Sciences.
Experts appreciated the project entitled "Nanoemulsion for parenteral nutrition - an innovative pharmaceutical formulation with hepatoprotective properties", headed by Dr Aleksandra Gostyńska.
The first joint integration meeting for Erasmus students took place on October 14, 2021, at the Congress and Didactic Center of the UMP. The meeting was attended by Erasmus students who chose our University from other European universities. The largest group are Spaniards, Portuguese, French, and Italians, but we also host Moldova, Turkey, Germany, Latvia, Croatia, and Macedonia students.
Erasmus guests were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, Prof. Michał Nowicki, and our university students, operating as part of the informal Erasmus Center group, prepared presentations about our University Poznan and the country, and a quiz with prizes. The meeting ended with a dinner and tasting Polish specialities.
Eager for live contacts and with smiles on our faces, we said goodbye, knowing that the next meeting was just around the corner and believing that the pandemic would not force us to meet online this time.
On October 13, 2021, Rector Prof. Andrzej Tykarski conducted the ceremonial Doctor Honoris Causa award to Prof. Andrea R. Genazzani.
This honorary title reflected our recognition for outstanding achievements in the field of gynecological endonology, increasing the quality of the assessment of menopause, its improvement in the quality of diagnostics and modern therapy, as well as initial research on the leading role of the brain in the selection of disorders in gynecological endocrinology.
It is also the crowning achievement of many years of fruitful cooperation.
We are delighted that prof. Genazzani joined the group of Honoris Causa Doctors of our University.
Photo: Przemysław Stanula
On October 1st, 2021 the authorities of eight of Poznan’s public universities have signed a memorandum of understanding declaring continued efforts towards forming a federation.
With the ultimate goal of raising the profile of Poznan’s academic community in the world, the institutions aim to strengthen their cooperation in the areas of research, artistic activity, doctoral education, awarding academic degrees, promotion, and commercialization of research results. The document was signed by the rectors of:
The universities are currently working on the federation document that will legally finalize the integration efforts. Each constituent school will keep its independent organization and financial structures, but the federation agreement will stimulate closer cooperation, and raise the overall quality and scope of research and education. As a legal entity, The Federation University of Poznan will have a much stronger position in the evaluation of research and other academic indicators, combining nearly all research fields, connecting over 100 thousand students and tens of thousands of faculty, researchers and staff.
We are proud to share that Assoc. Prof. Alicja Kalinowska, MD, PhD, from PUMS Neurology Department has received the prestigious Józef Babiński Scientific Award from the Polish Neurological Society for the best original research published in 2017-2021.
The latest publications by Assoc. Prof. Kalinowska on the neuropathology of multiple sclerosis are available at:
Assoc. prof. Aleksandra Uruska from PUMS Department of Internal Diseases and Diabetology is currently on a 3-month research scholarship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, USA.
The scholarship opportunity was provided by The Kosciuszko Foundation - an institution that promotes closer ties between Poland and the United States through educational, scientific and cultural exchanges. Assoc. prof. Uruska is conducting her research on the function and properties of high-density lipoproteins in type 1 diabetes in the Department of Internal Medicine’s Division of Cardiology under the supervision of prof. Anand Rohatgi.
We are proud to announce that five professors from Poznan University of Medical Sciences have been awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta by the President of Poland.
In recognition of exceptional achievements in medical scientific research and education, as well as of distinguished service in healthcare, President Andrzej Duda has decided to award the following professors with Polish state distinctions:
Prof. Zbigniew Krasiński, MD, PhD,
Prof. Jadwiga Mielcarek, MSc, PhD,
Prof. Przemysław Mikołajczak, MSc, PhD,
Prof. Ewa Wender-Ożegowska, MD, PhD,
Prof. Krzysztof Wiktorowicz, MSc, PhD.
A simulated pharmacy environment is the latest addition to our already existing medical and dental simulation centers.
This new space, arranged to imitate a community pharmacy with the addition of a debriefing room, is now available for training focused on proper pharmaceutical care and professional counselling for PUMS pharmacy students. The new Pharmacy Simulation Center unit is located in the main simulation building at 7 Rokietnicka St.
We are proud to share that Maria Narożna from PUMS Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry has been awarded a 1-year Fulbright Scholarship in the BioLAB Program by Fulbright Poland. The internship will allow her to participate in research under the guidance of experienced researchers at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation in Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
The list of all scholarship recipients of the 2020-2021 edition can be found at
The architectural project completed, financing secured and construction company selected - the newest addition to our campus will be Collegium Humanum - the Human Research Center.
The three-storey building will be located in close vicinity of Medyk and Aspirynka dormitories in the block between Przybyszewskiego, Polna, Bukowska and Marcelinska Streets. It will be the new home of the following departments: Medical Microbiology, Environmental Medicine, Immunology and Forensic Medicine. It will also house teaching facilities and offer commercial diagnostics.
The new R&D unit is designated to become a meeting point of science and business and comes with an attached research agenda focusing on healthy ageing: immune response, cancer immunology, antimicrobial resistance, preventing hospital infections, as well as modern effective diagnostics based on imaging and innovative detection techniques.
The project received 12.5 million PLN co-financing from European Union funds designated for the development of the Greater Poland region.
We are happy to inform you that the submitted application for the ECHE Charter (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) for 2021-2027 has been positively assessed by the European Commission.
This means that in the coming years, our university will be able to apply for financing the mobility of students and employees as well as other educational projects under the ERASMUS+ Program.
» Certificate Award Letter
» Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)
PUMS Doctoral School has received funding for the project "Towards unmet clinical and educational needs at PUMS" submitted within the STER Program - Internationalization of doctoral schools of the National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA.
The project, referred to as PUMSTER, was implemented on the 4th of January this year by our Doctoral School team. The funds granted to PUMS amount to 1,996,290 PLN, which, when combined with the University's funding, gives 2,218,000 PLN. Obtaining financing is a great success for our University. The awarded project was among 12 selected from 34 submitted by Polish universities and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences. We emphasize with great satisfaction that we are the only medical university awarded funding among the awarded institutions.
» A full letter from the Director of Doctoral School
PUMS application for extension of our Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the years 2021-2027 has been approved after receiving a positive evaluation by the European Commission.
The Charter allows our students and staff to participate in international mobility with EU funding as well as to apply for financial support of a variety of education projects within the Erasums+ Program.
Dr Piotr Rzymski from PUMS Department of Environmental Medicine has received a special mention in 'Popularizer of Science 2020' competition which awards people, teams and entities that promote science in Poland.
The annual competition, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Science in Poland PAP agency, aims to reward exceptional science educators, communicators and advocates whose efforts help to disseminate scientific findings among the general public.
Dr Rzymski has been promoting research for years, mainly in the field of medical and environmental biology. He runs the blog Przez Żołądek do Zdrowia ('The Way to Health is Through the Stomach'), writes articles for Polityka magazine, and now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he presents the latest scientific knowledge about SARS-COV-2 in the media.
Piotr Rzymski said that in the face of the pandemic, scientists needed to understand how the virus works and how to protect ourselves from it. This knowledge helped to develop an effective vaccine. “It gives immunity to COVID-19, but Poles also need immunity to the flood of fake news that tries to dissuade them from the decision to vaccinate. This will be a year of huge challenges for the promotion and communication of science,” he said.
Congratulations to dr. Rzymski and other winners!
The University Senate has appointed six members of the University Council for the 2020-2024 term. The Council is a board of trustees whose role is to oversee the strategic goals of the School, financial policy and to improve the professional management structure.
The new University Council consists of three representatives of PUMS community:
Prof. Marek Jemielity, MD, PhD (Department of Cardiosurgery and Transplantology),
Prof. Andrzej Wykrętowicz, MD, PhD (Department of Intensive Cardiac Care and Internal Diseases),
Prof. Jacek Wysocki, MD, PhD (Department of Preventive Care),
and three members liaising with the School's financial, social and professional environment:
Franciszek Hutten-Czapski (Boston Consulting Group),
Dominika Kulczyk (Kulczyk Foundation),
Dr. Janusz Kazimierz Popaszkiewicz, MD (Via Medica).
One additional spot in the Council is automatically assigned to the current President of the Student Government Council.
A team of Polish and international scientists lead by assoc. prof. Łukasz Szarpak from Maria Sklodowska-Curie Medical University in Warsaw and including dr. Marek Dąbrowski from PUMS Department of Medical Education has developed a device to help medical staff work on patients with suspected infectious diseases. Schematics of the isolation device have been submitted to the Polish Patent Office.
The goal was to improve the safety of patients and healthcare workers in close contact with patients suffering from CoViD-19 and other infectious conditions. Thanks to a special air filtration system and insulated inspection holes which enable safe medical proceedings the device facilitates oxygen therapy and contamination-free transport by ambulance. It also reduces the contamination risk of rooms and equipment during medical imaging and procedures.
A team of researchers from PUMS Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Internal Medicine lead by prof. Marek Ruchała has been presented with the Nicolas Copernicus Science Award by the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The distinction recognizes the importance of their scientific project called "Improvement of diagnostics and treatment of thyroid cancers by the implementation of modern techniques of imaging, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology". The award linked with the City of Krakow Foundation is presented every 5 years in 9 different categories and has a history reaching back to the year 1873.
The full team included in the citation are: prof. Marek Ruchała, dr. Martyna Borowczyk, dr. Bartłomiej Budny, assoc. prof. Rafał Czepczyński, dr. Małgorzata Kałużna, assoc. prof. Nadia Sawicka-Gutaj, prof. Ewelina Szczepanek-Parulska, dr. Kosma Woliński and prof. Katarzyna Ziemnicka. Congratulations!
The academic year 2020/2021 has been officially inaugurated by Rector Andrzej Tykarski in a ceremony that took place on October 2. It included a speech by the Rector, immatriculation of new students, presentation of awards and degrees, as well as a lecture by Prof. Iwona Mozer-Lisewska.
A joyous moment and important event in the academic calendar, the ceremony showed strength and unity of our community, despite the physical isolation, and extended a warm welcome to all the new members.
Our congratulations go to all honourable awardees with a special mention of those who have remarkably contributed to the development of English-language programs at PUMS: Prof. Wiesława Biczysko and Prof. Wojciech Dyszkiewicz receiving the Tomasz Jurasz Award, and Dean Justyna Opydo-Szymaczek receiving the Władysław Biegański Award.
We are happy to announce that Dr Piotr Rzymski from PUMS Department of Environmental Medicine was appointed ambassador of USERN network in Poland.
USERN - the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network - is an international network exclusively dedicated to the advancement of authentic, ethical and professional scientific research and education. Dr Rzymski's profile on USERN website:
Interested in joining USERN? Feel free to contact dr. Rzymski at
We are proud to share that Professor Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis has been appointed Vice-President of the Council for Senior Policy at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.
Professor Wieczorowska-Tobis is the Head of the Chair and Department of Palliative Medicine at PUMS. An international expert in the fields of geriatrics and palliative medicine, the professor is taking up the policy leadership role for the term of 2020-2024.
We are proud to inform that a team of scientists from PUMS Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy led by Dr. Paulina Skupin-Mrugalska has secured a research grant from Phospholipid Research Center Heidelberg for the project "Phospholipids as excipients in Amorphous Solid Dispersions - an attempt to establish hot-melt-extrusion for oral formulations of poorly soluble drugs".
The project involves collaboration from Assoc. Prof. Edyta Szałek and Dr Agnieszka Karbownik from the same department, as well as external collaborators: Professor Dr Martin Brandl from the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Southern Denmark and Kinga Biedrzycka from AMS Pharmaceuticals.
Details of the project are available at
The University has secured funding for construction and equipment of a new wing at the K. Jonscher Pediatric Clinical Hospital to house their oncology and haematology wards, as well as many diagnostic labs and rehabilitation rooms, in a kid-friendly setting - providing space for psychological support and social rooms for parents.
The project will improve treatment and care conditions for little patients by their parents' side and bring those conditions to the highest global standard.
30 million PLN financing for the project comes from the European Union budget and local government of the Greater Poland region, while 1.6 million was provided by DKMS Foundation - a non-profit supporting people suffering from blood cancer diseases. We've also received substantial assistance in the preparation of this project from the "Dzieciaki Chojraki" Society that works towards improving bone marrow transplantology and pediatric oncology in Poznan.
Once in every four years, the University community elects its representatives for all the highest academic offices. Throughout the first months of 2020, the School staff, faculty and students have made their decisions in a series of voting procedures. Meet the newly elected officials for the term of 2020-2024:
Rector: Prof. Andrzej Tykarski, MD, PhD – It will be the professor's second term at the highest office. A PUMS alumnus, a specialist physician in angiology and hypertensiology and current Head of the Department of Hypertensiology, Angiology and Internal Medicine, working at the Lord’s Transfigurations Hospital in Poznan. His previous appointments in University administration included: various functions in the Senate, Dean of the Medical Faculty II and Vice-Rector for Organization, Promotion and Development.
VR for Student Affairs: Prof. Edmund Grzeskowiak, MD, PhD,
VR for Education: Prof. Małgorzata Kotwicka, MD, PhD,
VR for Clinical Affairs and Regional Coordination: Prof. Zbigniew Krasiński, MA, PhD,
VR for Science and International Cooperation: Prof. Michal Nowicki, MD, PhD,
VR for Doctoral School and Post-Graduate Training: Prof. Ewa Wender-Ożegowska, MD, PhD,
VR for Organization, Promotion and Development: Prof. Dorota Zozulińska-Ziółkiewicz, MA, PhD.
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine: Assoc. Prof. Maciej Cymerys, MD, PhD,
Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences: Assoc. Prof. Wiesław Markwitz, MD, PhD,
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy: Prof. Anna Jelińska, MPharm, PhD,
Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences: Prof. Ryszard Marciniak, MD, PhD.
Chancellor of the College of Medical Sciences: Prof. Marek Ruchała, MD, PhD,
Chancellor of the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences: Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek, MPharm, PhD,
Chancellor of the College of Health Sciences: Prof. Jarosław Walkowiak, MD, PhD.
The new authorities will take office starting from September 1st, 2020.
Students of Poznan University of Medical Sciences under the supervision of academic teachers from the Geriatrics Department of Palliative Medicine (Prof. K. Wieczorowska-Tobis and Dr A. Neumann-Duringka) have started an Internet-Telephone Consultation Point (itPK) run by Medical and Pharmacy Students aimed at Seniors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These activities are dedicated to people over 60 years of age.
In the times of the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is the seniors, who are particularly vulnerable to the severe course of the disease. Therefore, measures must be taken to help our senior citizens stay home.
With this in mind, we are offering citizens the opportunity to ask questions about their medical treatment, including the safety of adding over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements to their treatment regimen. Answers will be given jointly by medical and pharmacy students via instant messengers or a telephone.
Registration is carried out every day between 9:00 - 12:00, via telephone number: 618 738 303 (Secretary’s Office of the Chair and Department of Palliative Medicine at PUMS).
Please share this post so that it reaches as many people as possible who may have questions about their medication and/or treatment.
It is with great pleasure that we announce having filed all necessary documents to the European Commission in order to gain ‘HR Excellence in Research’ status. This also involves the implementation of recommendations stated in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The European Commission’s decision on whether to award PUMS with ‘HR in Excellence in Research’ status will be based upon documentation of the implementation of rules and regulations used for employment and career development, transparency and accessibility of the entire recruitment process.
In order to achieve that, PUMS completed an internal analysis based on an online survey taken by employees. Should the European Commission award us with the status, would position PUMS among the 87 Polish higher education institutes, which successfully implement the principles of the Charter and the Code.
Dear Students,
In those difficult times, and thanks to #Poznan@HomeCampaign, we would like to share a few ideas with you, that may help you with a feeling of loneliness during this lockdown. You can access different events, games, concerts, do online training, etc using our University’s promotional hashtag: #keepyourPULSalive, for international students, helping you connect with other international students in Poland. Below you can find different propositions to make this time more enjoyable, please look at here.
» About COVID-19 stay at home
» Anti-crisis shield- what is it?
» Where to look for help?
» Current rules and restrictions
Dear Erasmus Students,
In this tough situation caused by Covid-19 virus epidemy, University had to break regular work, that also means that we can't take regular classes and lectures with You. The Polish Government extends this emergency state until the Eastern, and therefore PUMS authorities have decided to start e-learning teaching for you. We have asked the whole teaching staff to put all lectures and seminars into AKSON, wherefrom you can take them. Also, our University can arrange through the TEAMS Microsoft platform practical teaching. About all activities, you will be informed through AKSON platform and also by your most fabulous University friend - Mrs Matylda Kaczmarczyk. Please be assured that you are safe at the accommodation and PUMS will do its best to support you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact us.
Take care of yourself, follow all rules recommended in that epidemy.
Poznan University of Medical Sciences has opened a diagnostic laboratory in order to help the sanitary-epidemiological station test SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, within the past 3 days, we have organised a medical laboratory with equipment of BSL-2 standards. Thanks to these actions we will be able to help Hospitals across Poznan in their fight against COVID-19. We are hoping to be able to carry out around 4 000 tests monthly.
One of the initiators of the laboratory is professor Małgorzata Kotwicka, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences. We managed to gather over 30 laboratory diagnosticians, medical analysts, biotechnologists, geneticists and pharmacists.
We have also managed to re-organise work. Most employees work on acquiring protective clothes, masks, gloves and tests. We received help from the Greater Poland Voivode, the Head of the Greater Poland sanitary-epidemiological station, the Mayor of Poznan as well as Amica company (which offered freezers for samples).
Over 200 volunteers work at the Hospitals across Poznan helping medical professionals. This is our duty. I am therefore more than grateful for their help and engagement. Our teachers have also started e-learning for the students and teleconferences to enable them to continue their studies in these difficult times. - said the Rector: Professor Andrzej Tykarski.
In just three days Poznan University of Medical Sciences has put together a specialist lab for SARS-CoV-2 testing to support the local epidemiology station.
With full isolation of genetic material and PCR capabilities, its estimated output is 4 000 tests per month, providing there is sufficient availability of test sets. It’s Biosafety level 2 and meets all requirements of the State Hygiene Institute of the National Institute of Public Health. The initiative involves more than 30 laboratory specialists, mostly from PUMS, but also volunteers from other universities and institutes.
PUMS received support from the Governor of Greater Poland, the Mayor of the city of Poznan and the Amica manufacturing company, which provided additional cooling and freezing devices to equip the lab.
University administrative supply staff have currently reorganized their work to prioritize acquiring medical/lab Personal Protective Accessories for where they are needed the most and COVID testing sets. We have also recruited 400+ volunteers to help with logistics in hospitals and epidemiology stations. Lecturers and faculty are often engaged in the most exposed positions in hospitals, labs and emergency service, but teaching activities continue online.
It gives us great pleasure to announce that Poznan University of Medical Sciences has been certified by the EU Commission and thenceforward will act as a ‘Reference Site’ within the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
This one-star distinction qualifies us to join the best institutes of different regions, e.g. Marshall’s Office, Clinical Hospitals and business agencies which, using and implementing innovative technologies, work together for a better future for the elderly in Europe.
Our ‘Reference Site’ activities within medical innovation contribute to development, exchange of experience and cooperation with other institutes. Furthermore, cooperation with other European partners enables us to apply for joint European grants (within the H2020 framework) strengthening our position internationally.
For more information on the ‘Extended Third Call for Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA)’ please visit:
We are happy to announce that today prof. Andrzej Tykarski, MD, PhD has been elected Rector of Poznan University of Medical Sciences for the term 2020-2024.
Congratulations to dr. Agnieszka Neumann-Podczaska from PUMS Department of Palliative Care for being awarded a 6-month Fullbright Senior research & teaching scholarship to University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy!
Initiated by the Regional Office of the Province of Lublin in Brussels, the Regional Office of the Province of Greater Poland in Brussels, as well as the Regional Contact Point in Greater Poland for Research Programmes of the EU, a number of meetings were held between the 28th - 29th of January 2020 in Brussels for Vice-Rectors of the following institutions: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poznan University of Economics, the School of Physical Education in Poznan and the University of Zielona Gora. The meeting was an opportunity to enhance the participation of the above institutions and their scientists in the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 research and innovation framework programme.
Throughout the 2 day-long visits, Vice-Rectors met with Maryia Gabriel, the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth to discuss the priorities for the European Commission within research and development of the Horizon Europe framework. The Commissioner presented her work plan for the next few years and her support for research institutes in Poland. The trip was also an opportunity to discuss other hot topics with the Vice-President of the EU Parliament - Ewa Kopacz, as well as the Vice-Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy – Zdziwsław Krasnodębski, professor Jerzy Buzek, professor Bogusław Liberadzki and Christian Busoi.
It is with immense pleasure we announce that the Associate Professor Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis, the Head of the Chair and Department of Palliative Medicine of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, has been selected (as the only Polish representative among the 17 international specialists) for the ‘Expert Panel on effective ways of investigating in health’, one of the European Commission’s Advisory Boards.
She will act as an advisory expert on effective measures in healthcare throughout the panel’s tenure of 3 years.
Professor Rodryg Ramlau - head of the Chair and Department of Oncology of our university, became a member of the extremely prestigious Expert Advisory Body at one of the five Mission Councils for the new European Union program for research and innovation "Horizon Europe".These all five Missions will be a key element of the 2021-2027 program. Prof. Ramlau will be an expert within the Cancer Mission.