Outgoing students



ERASMUS+ RECRUITMENT PROCESS for the academic year 2025/2026

The exchange regulations under the Erasmus+ program REGULATIONS have recruiting rules.


Students applying for exchange under the Erasmus+ Programme should deliver the following documents to the International Relations Office:

Required documents:

  1. Application Form (Appendix 2).
  2. Cover letter.
  3. The documented average grade for all completed years of the study calculated according to the rules of scholarship not less than 3.51 – a certificate issued by the Dean's office
  4. Certificates on command of foreign languages (without the possibility of summing them up):
  5. a) examination result from the exam passed at PUMS Foreign Language Study Centre
  6. or
  7. b) language certificates
  8. or
  9. c) Other certificates, with a minimum of B1 (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish) for less frequent languages.
  10. Preliminary confirmation from the receiving institution of the possibility of undergoing an internship, along with its scope and approximate date. This condition is not mandatory when applying for places within the university's bilateral agreements.

For students wanting to take a language exam, please  contact the PUMS Foreign Language Study Centre.



Additional documents (not obligatory)

  1. Documented work for the Student Government and other student organisations.
  2. Certificate of work in a scientific circle (issued by the circle tutor and confirmed by the Managing Board of STN).
  3. Presentation of scientific papers and their publication (a list of publications followed by copies of their first pages).
  4. Representation in the collegial bodies of the University: Senate, Faculty Boards
  5. Activity in other bodies and commissions of the University regulated by PUMS Regulations and PUMS Student Government Regulations (e.g. Senate Commissions, Election Commissions, Deans' Committees and others, minimum of one year, confirmed by the Chairman of the Student Government Board).
  6. Confirmation of medals won in university-level championships or other sports events, at least at the Polish championship level.
  7. Certificate of completion of additional courses and training, e.g. summer schools, etc., with a duration of a minimum of one week and associated with the specific field of studies
  8. Certificate of studies at other faculties – more than one year or completed
  9. Volunteer work (certificates including duration of the work, minimum one year).
  10. Confirmation from the International Relations Office on the number of days dedicated to arranging arrival and/or care for international students studying at PUMS under the Erasmus Programme.


 Detailed information about Erasmus+ mobility:

 Internship - Anna Augustyniak, emial: augustyniak@ump.edu.pl

 Study - Małgorzata Piórkowska: mpiorkow@ump.edu.pl




International Relations Office, 10 Fredry Str., 61-701 Poznań, room 144 

Attention! Send a colour copy for language state certificates or diplomas of completing courses, training, and other studies; please do not send originals. 


IN PDF VERSION AS AN EMAIL ATTACHMENTS: erasmus@ump.edu.pl (documents in non-PDF versions will not be accepted)!

The postmark date/email sending date is decisive!  

Recruitment is open until February 28th 2025


Good luck!